Сhest wallet for documents

What to give a man as a present? It’s a difficult question. What to give an active man? This question is more difficult. But the answer exists!

Chest wallet for documents suits to the men and women’s clothes equally. Your passport and other documents, money, a phone – everything fits freely in it. The chest wallet is very convenient for a journey or hiking trip – you can put everything you need, to hang around the neck, hide under your jacket. The second name of the chest wallet – tourist case. It is especially appreciated by people whose life is active movement. Even if this movement is up the rock.

Material: natural leather. Measurements: 17,5×12 cm. Fastener is a zipper. Two pockets, silk linen. The length of the cord is 1,2 m, if necessary, you can lengthen or shorten the cord by using a special tourist knot.

Chest wallet is a great option for a man who doesn’t like bags and everything keeps in pockets. Documents are in the inner jacket pocket – he bent down – they have fallen out – he didn’t notice – he left without documents (the real story of one of my customers). Documents and money in the chest wallet, closed by zipper and under the jacket is 100% guaranteed that all the values will stay with you.
And who said that a man’s wallet should be black? It can be brown, grey, beige, and even cherry – the more extraordinary thinking a man has, the more unusual his wallet can be.

As a verily tourist, the wallet is decorated by a mountain landscape that is painted by acrylic paints additionally. Below you can see 12 variations of Crimean landscape – any of it you can choose and order.

The landscape can be not only Crimean. If you have in your heart a landscape – you can put it on your wallet, hang it around your neck and carry it everywhere with you, near the heart.

Examples of finished bags and wallets you can look at this page.

Kara Dag, Lisya bay

Crimea has several volcanoes, but Karadag is the most known. It erupted at the bottom of the sea 150 millions years ago, then slept, curdled, and turned to stone. Later an earthquake happened, and the volcano splitted. This way Nature cut an old volcano – to show people what she put inside a mountain. Karadag is the only volcano in the world cutted off, there is no one else like it. Karadag is the “Mecca” of geologists and volcanologists, and tourists also. They come here to have a look at the miraculous arch of the Golden Gate, a sharp spire of the Ivan the Robber rock, at the King and the Queen, at the Lion, at the Lighthouse…

On this bag for documents Karadag has a view from the southwest side, from The Lisya Bay.

Kurortnoe. Karagach range, The King and the Queen rocks

If you come to Karadag a little closer from the Lisya Bay side, in Kurortnoe village, you can see well fancy volcanic rocks of the Karagach range. The two central rocks of Karagach – ”The Queen” and “The King”, who descend to “The Throne”, and “The Retinue” bowled respectfully behind.

Kara Dag. Golden Gate cliff

It seems to be the most famous cliff at Karadag. The Golden Gate is an enormous arch. It rises above water and shines brightly in the sun. Because of its ability to reflect sunlight brightly, especially at sunrise, this dark volcanic cliff got its name.

Kara Dag. Ivan the Robber rock

The gloomy Karadag’s rocks rise upright, and hide small silent bays. One of them is The Robber’s Bay after Ivan the Robber rock. There are legends about pirates, smugglers, and robbers. A small boat is impossible to see from the sea, if it hides in the bay.

Koktebel, Kara Dag, the Saint mountain

The Saint mountain is the highest peak of Karadag. You can see it from any spot of Koktebel, as well as outlines of “The Town of Dead” – a group of fancy volcanic rocks. The Town of Dead gets down to the sea and ends by Malchin cape. The last is famous for its outlines, which brings to mind the profile of the face of koktebelic poet and painter Maximilian Voloshin.

Koktebel, Kara Dag, Suuru-kaya rock

Not all of Karadag’s rocks are volcanic. Suuru-kaya is limestone and therefore white. Its shining sharp peak touches clouds. “Suuru-kaya” translates as “White rock”.

Wallets as a pair

These two wallets unite in one landscape, if you lie them together. The landscape is Karadag from the side of Enyshar hills.

Wallets-pair. Wallets-unity. Wallets for two loving hearts.

Koktebel, Chameleon cape

Crimean mountains consist mostly of adobe and limestone. The name of a cape which it is possible to see well from the Koktebel queue translates as “Adobe rock”. Chameleon is a folk name because of its ability to change color many times per day. The cape always has another color than neighbouring hills. It is a “blame” of shales which the cape consists of. They reflect the sun’s rays in another way.

Chameleon cape in the Silent Bay

The Silent Bay took its name due to the lack of storms. There is a big “service” of the Chameleon cape – it covers the bay from west winds. There is a wonderful sand beach near the Chameleon, it is very popular among tourists.

Mountains and the sea that don’t exist – but they are

I saw this drawing a long time ago in a book about koktebelic poet and painter Maximilian Voloshin. I made a bag’s landscape from it, and a lot of people liked it. When I said: “Do you know, this landscape doesn’t exist…” – I heard back: “So what? Here mountains are, here the sea is, everything is here. What else do you need?”
Yes, really. Here is a bag, here are mountains, here is the sea. What else is needed?

By Maximilian Voloshin’s watercolor drawing

Maximilian Voloshin drew much of Koktebel’s surroundings. And never precisely. Here and there it can be possible to guess the silhouette of Karadag, but most of the drawing’s plots are fiction. But they stay absolutely “koktebelic” in any case.

Balaklava. Fiolent cape. Cliffs Orestes, Pylades, Idol

Karadag is the most known volcano in Crimea, but it is not alone. At the other end of the Crimean mountains, near Sebastopol, there is Fiolent cape. Its charming cliffs are the result of volcanic underwater eruptions. There are a lot of little islands that look like stoned people or ships. Cliffs of Fiolent united with many legends, and its beaches – with pleasant memories of the people who chose the surroundings of Sebastopol as a place of vacation.

Gurzuf. Ayu-Dag mountain and Adalaras cliffs

Ayu-Dag is a volcano too. But its fate wasn’t as lucky as Karadag or Fiolent. While Karadag and Fiolent erupted without problems, Ayu-Dag tried to break through the thick layer of sedimentary rocks. Ayu-Dag failed and freezed in an enormous dome of volcanic lava. Later rains and winds made that the volcano couldn’t do – they destroyed the top sedimentary layer. This way volcano Ayu-Dag stayed in the open air, but hadn’t energy to erupt yet. So it lies now on the seaside as an enormous bear, with his nose in the water. His neighbours – gaily white Adalaras – aren’t interested in problems of the old volcano. They are limestones and have another life.

Chest touristic wallet isn’t alone between leather purses with crimean landscapes. You can go on a journey with a little travel bag, put your cosmetics in a cosmetic case, little things in the purse-keyholder, and sunglasses in a pencil case. Choose according to your liking, and let a little part of Crimea be always with you!

For a long and happy life of your bag it is desirable to follow the simple but vital rules. Look here: How to take care of leather landscape bags.

Your bag will live with you at least 5 years in usual terms of use – that is to say if you keep in it useful things and don’t fire it, cut or throw it into the water. But in fact your favorite is able to live much longer. How bags look after 3, 5 and even 15 years of using, you can see here: Long life of my crafts.